Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce and Sulphur Springs ISD

SOCKs - Support Our Campuses and Kids


Member Options

A Commitment to Literacy

Third graders who lack proficiency in reading are four times more likely to become high school dropouts. SSISD would like to have every child reading on grade level by the end of 3rd grade. Book Buddies is a partnership between SSISD and the local community which pairs students and volunteers to practice reading and engage in conversations about the books being read. The philosophy of Book Buddies is…Simplicity, Consistency and Humility. 


Book Buddies

Commit to allowing employees to visit an assigned campus for 30 minutes of reading once per week from October to May. Each employee will have two children (or four children if you have an hour!) with whom they read. Campus staff will provide training and books. 



A Commitment to Teachers

Teachers make all other professions possible! To acknowledge the work SSISD teachers and staff pour into the children of our community, your business might consider supporting one or more of the following! 


Breakfast Club

Commit to providing breakfast to an SSISD campus twice per year as a member of the Breakfast Club!

Teacher Appreciation

Commit to supporting an SSISD campus’ staff by providing treats, meals and/or small gifts of appreciation to campus teachers and staff twice per semester. 

The Total Package!

Combination commitment to provide an SSISD campus with the Breakfast Club and Teacher Appreciation options! 


A Commitment to Students

Whatever need SSISD can meet to keep a child in school is the mission behind SSISD’s Needy Children’s Fund. Needs range from clothing to medical attention, to needs at home.  Backpack Buddies helps provide weekend meals for students in need. Additionally, teachers spend, on average, $683 of their own money to provide students on campuses of higher low-socioeconomic percentages with supplies and other necessities to be successful in school. 1 Consider providing support directly to students! 


Imagination Library

Commit to making a monetary contribution to support SSISD’s partnership with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. Children registered receive one book per month through the 5th year of life. SSISD is responsible for providing postage while the Imagination Library provides books. 


Needy Children’s Fund

Commit to making a monetary contribution to the SSISD Needy Children’s Fund for the purchase of needs for individual students – clothing, eyeglasses, medical/dental care, school supplies, etc. 

Questions? Please call the office of the Communications Coordinator, Angela Grimes, at 903-885-2153 x 1129