• The SSHS Theatre department is under the direction of Lesha Woodard

    SSHS Theatre Tech and SSMS Theatre are under the direction of Hagen Hunt.
    The Sulphur Springs High School Theatre Program performs two to three major productions each year.

    The Photos below are from the performance of "CLUE" - November 2022

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Theatre Arts
The award winning SSHS Wildcat Theatre Department is dedicated to creating a collaborative, inclusive, high quality learning environment for students interested in any aspect of the art of theatre. We hope to instill in students a lifelong love of theatre, and all the arts, and an understanding of their importance. Participating in classwork, performance, social activities, and competition, Wildcat Theatre students are not only prepared for a future in theatre but a future in the 21st century. Learning to solve problems and communicate, to be creative and innovative, to be disciplined, to be empathetic, and to always strive for excellence are just a few of the theatre’s core lessons that help foster confident young men and women who are leaders in the workplace and in our community. We are also committed to creating outstanding productions that continue to engage and entertain our audiences.

For additional SSHS Theatre show information, performance photos and more visit: bit.ly/wildcattheatre