News from Sulphur Springs ISD!
SSHS FFA Sweeps the Finals

These seven FFA members traveled to Huntington, TX for their public speaking contest. Each student researched, wrote 6-8 minute speeches, and memorized them. They are also able to carry on a long factual discussion on their topics. These students swept the finals!


Grand Champion Overall Jordan VanWinkle with her Ag Policy speech.
Grand Champion Soil & Water Stewardship
Catherine Starzyk
1st Place Ag Communication and Technology Tracey Shackelford
1st Place Ag Business Rylie Carroll
1st Place Natural Resource Catherine Starzyk (yes, she has two different speeches she presents)
1st Place Animal Science Mac McCoy
2nd Place Animal Science Maddie Poskey
2nd Place Greenhand Public Speaking Hayden McCoy