The 2024-2025 New Student Enrollment will open April 17th
Click the following link to sign up for one of our Registration Round-up days. Sign-Up Genius
New Students
(First-time to SSISD)
New Student Enrollment
New student enrollment is a process intended for new students who have never been enrolled in SSISD; including incoming Pre-Kindergarten students and Kindergarten students who did not attend SSISD Douglass Early Childhood Learning Center for Pre-Kindergarten.
New students entering SSISD will register by
*clicking here. Opens a New Window. Parents with existing children at the district can log into
Family Access to select the
New Student Enrollment tab to add a new student application. For students who have previously attended SSISD and left the district, but are now returning, please follow procedures for
returning students.
*If the link fails upon clicking on it, please right-click on the link and select Open in New Window.
**At this time, SSISD does not accept transfers from other districts. You must live within the boundaries of SSISD to enroll in one of our campuses. Please feel free to call Patty Garcia with any questions. (903) 885-2153 ext. 1107
Next Steps
Please take the items listed below to your child's campus to complete the registration process. Your child will NOT be fully registered for school until you provide this documentation.
- Student's birth certificate (Order a certified birth certificate at Texas.govOpens a New Window.)
- Student's Social Security card
- Current immunization records (see below)
- Proof of residency (see below).
Note: If a student lives with someone other than a parent, additional notarized paperwork is required each school year. If you have questions about which form is needed, call your home campus or the SSISD Administration Building at (903) 885-2153.
Immunization Requirements
here Opens a New Window. to be redirected to the SSISD Health Services Department to access Immunization Requirements and General Immunization Information.
Residency Verification Required for New Students
- Pre-k and Head Start enrollment at Douglass Early Childhood Learning Center is based eligibility. Click here for more information on SSISD Head Start/Pre-K registration.
- Kinder - 3rd grade students, you will need to bring proof of residency to Patty Garcia in Assistant Superintendent's Office at the Administration Building, 631 Connally Street, to receive your child's campus assignment.
- 4th - 12th grade students, you will take your documents to the campus to complete the registration process.
As a public school system, SSISD schools welcome all students who live within the boundaries of the Sulphur Springs Independent School District and meet state age and health requirements. New students will need to verify their residency prior to the start of school. This can be done easily by submitting a copy of one of the following acceptable documents listed below. Students may not be enrolled in the district if they do not provide proof of residence in the Sulphur Springs ISD. Failure to provide adequate information will result in immediate removal of students and may subject parents/guardians to payments of costs of educational services.
Proof of Residency Requirements
**Please note parents or guardians will NOT receive notification/confirmation from the campus immediately regarding a new student registration submission. The student's proof of residency and information must be verified before the student's registration is approved.
Listed below are the types of documents we will require proof of residence based on your living situation:
- Parent or guardian's driver's license or government issued identification
Living Situation:
- You LIVE in a home YOU OWN within Sulphur Springs ISD Boundaries
- You must provide a current electric bill for that home (We only accept the electricity bill)
- If you have not received your electric bill please provide your Deed of Trust (received at closing) along with your electric set-up letter.
- You RENT a home within Sulphur Springs ISD boundaries
- please provide your lease AND a current electric bill in your name
- If the electric bill is not in your name, we will need your lease AND the most recent electric bill in your landlord's name
- You AND your student are LIVING WITH A FAMILY that resides within Sulphur Springs ISD boundaries
- You must contact Mikki Daniel ( at the Administration Building regarding a Host Home Application
Students may not be enrolled in the district if they do not provide proof of residence in the Sulphur Springs ISD. Failure to provide adequate information may result in removal of students and may subject parents/guardians to payments of costs of educational services.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: My child or children have not attended SSISD. What's next?
A: Please use the NEW Student Enrollment procedure to create a parent account, which then provides access for creating and submitting a student application online. Parents with existing children at the district can log into Family Access to select the New Student Enrollment tab to add a new student application.
Q: My child or children have attended SSISD. What's next?
A: If your child has attended, left the district, and is now returning to SSISD, please log into your Family Access account to and select the 2023-2024 Returning Registration Verification tab to begin the process for verification of a child for the current school year. If you have a child currently attending SSISD, who will be returning to the district for the future school year, please log into your Family Access account to and select the 2024-2025 Returning Registration Verification tab to begin the registration process.
Q: I have children who currently attend SSISD but I'd like to enroll a NEW student as well. What's next?
A: Access using your Family Access account and then choose the NEW Student Enrollment tab to begin the application creation process.
Q: My child used to attend SSISD but I'd like to enroll a NEW student as well. What's next?
A: Access using your Family Access account and then choose the NEW Student Enrollment tab to begin the application creation process.